The mechanism of noise propagation in typical building blocks of biochemical reaction networks 典型生化网络构建子块中噪声传播的机制
The addition of thorium promoted the chain propagation at low reaction temperature, but had little effect on methane selectivity and light hydrocarbon. 烃分布研究表明:反应温度较低时钍助剂将促进产物链的增长和高碳烃选择性的增加,但反应温度较高时难以促进产物链的增长。
Propagation of hydrogen-oxygen detonation wave in an abruptly expanding chamber and a gradually expanding chamber was simulated by solving the axisymmetrical Euler equations. The dispersion-control dissipation scheme ( DCD) and a detailed chemical reaction kinetics model with 8 sections 20 reactions were adopted. 采用二阶精度频散控制耗散格式(DCD)和8组分20个方程的基元反应模型,对轴对称变截面管道中氢氧爆轰波传播进行数值模拟。
These results implied that N-heterocyclic carbene was a true catalyst in the polymerization system and it seemed that carbene participated in the propagation reaction in certain manner but was not concerned with the formation the active sites. 但催化剂对聚合物分子量大小基本无影响,这说明卡宾催化剂不参与活性中心的形成,而是以某种形式参与增长反应。
Monte Carlo method has been developed to estimate the chain propagation constant and exchange reaction constant. In average, one exchange reaction will occur after approximate six monomer molecules insert into the growing chain. 应用MonteCarlo方法模拟聚合反应中链增长和链交换反应速率常数,结果表明每一个活性中心接受约6个单体插入后发生链转移反应结束该聚合链增长。
A method for the determination of arylamines, aniline,α-naphthylamine and o-chloraniline, which absorption spectra are seriously overlapped, was proposed by back propagation artificial neural network ( BP-ANN)-spectrometry based on the diazo coupling reaction of arylamines with α-naphthol. 利用芳胺的重氮化偶合反应,采用误差反向传播人工神经网络方法,对于吸收重叠的3组分芳胺类化合物体系进行同时测定;
The wave propagation rate of combustion reaction increases with the nitrogen pressure and decreases with the increase of the packing density of reactants, and is not affected by the vessel diameter and composition of the raw materials. 硅的SHS燃烧波传播速度随氮气压力升高、反应物填装密度减小而增大,但与反应物组成和样品直径无关;
The main goal is to study the effects of the forced air velocity on the propagation velocity and reaction temperature of the smoldering wave. 主要研究新鲜空气流动速度与阴燃波的传播速度和反应温度之间的关系,也探讨了正向阴燃与反向阴燃之间的异同。
Considering the curvature and width of reaction zones, FTM ( Front Tracking Method) was used to study the propagation of diverging detonation waves. The parameters behind wave fronts were from modified Hugoniot relationships by neglecting narrow reaction zones. 考虑到爆轰波阵面曲率及化学反应区宽度的作用,由修正Hugoniot关系式解析求解了波后状态,应用阵面追踪法(FTM)数值模拟了曲面散心爆轰波的传播。
The propagation, transfer and termination reaction rate constants have been calculated for different polymerization conditions and for catalysts of various compositions. 计算了在不同聚合条件和各种催化剂组成时的链增长、对烷基铝链转移及链终止反应的速度常数。
The numerical calculation of the formation and propagation process of oxy-hydrogen detonation wave was made. Results show that CESE method and elementary chemical reaction model are applicable to simulate the refined structure of oxy-hydrogen detonation wave. 对氢氧爆震波的形成和传播过程进行数值计算,结果表明,应用CESE方法和基元化学反应模型能够成功地模拟氢氧爆震波的精细结构。
Programmed Cell Death ( PCD), a physiological cell death process, is associated with the differentiation of vessel and sieve tube, the propagation, senescence, the hypersensitive reaction of plants, and so on. 细胞程序性死亡(Programmedcelldeath,PCD)与导管和筛管的分化、繁殖、衰老、超敏反应等过程紧密相关。
Experimental results show that flame propagation speed is proportional to combustion time and the gained width of reaction region from experiments is much greater than one gained from the turbulence theory. 通过实验结果得到了燃烧时间与火焰传播速度之间成直线关系,以及实验中反应区的宽度要远大于湍流燃烧理论中的反应区宽度的结论。
Antioxidants can terminate ROS chain reaction by disturbing initiation and propagation steps of the reaction and play important protective role in damage of neurons induced by ROS. 抗氧化剂能够通过干扰ROS链锁反应的启动和蔓延,最终阻断ROS反应过程,在氧化损伤保护中,特别是易受ROS损伤的神经细胞的保护中发挥重要的作用。
Second, in order to coordinate the flavor conservation in the weak interaction and the flavor violation in the neutrino propagation, the conventional time-dependent perturbation theory is limited in the calculation of the reaction probability where the neutrino is involved. 其次,为了协调弱作用中代轻子数守恒与中微子传播中代轻子数破坏,通行的含时微扰论在应用到涉及中微子反应的概率计算时会受到限制。
In addition, after the model derivation, the signal propagation of vehicle queuing chain reaction model and the wave velocity propagation of traffic wave model have consistency, although the two models point respectively from micro and macro perspective. 此外,经过模型推导发现,车辆排队的链式反应模型中信号传播公式与交通波模型中波速传播公式形式上相同。
In early stage of flame propagation, the small scale vortex increased the combustion reaction intensity, but did little influence on the flame front structure. 在预混火焰传播初期,小尺度涡流增大反应强度,但不影响火焰阵面结构;当大尺度涡流出现后,导致火焰阵面厚度变大,同时伴随着反应区的震荡。
Analysis the three stages of explosion: the initial stage, the propagation stage and the decrease stage by numerical simulation, and analysis the relation of molar concentration of different components with chemical reaction rate in the elementary reaction. 通过数值模拟分析了爆炸的三个阶段:爆炸的初始阶段、爆炸的扩展阶段和爆炸的衰弱阶段。在基元反应中,分析了各个组分的摩尔浓度以及基元反应的化学反应速率。